Painters Estimating

Painters Estimating Services

We offer Painters Estimating and plan measuring service for painters.
We specialise in painters estimating for residential and commercial painting estimating projects.

Get a Quote for Painters Estimating

To get a quote just email your plans and specifications. Lead time for painting tenders is generally 3 – 5 days.

Send your plans for quoting to Email:

Ph: 0407 763 976 or Send an SMS message



Send your plans for quoting to Email:

Ph: 0407 763 976 or Send an SMS message

Accurate Measuring is crucial for estimating painting costs. We measure the area of all surfaces to be painted, including walls, ceilings, trim, and doors.

The painters estimate needs to account for all labour, prep materials and paint.

How to Measure for Internal Painting

To estimate paint quantity in meters squared, measure the length and width of each wall. Multiply these values to find the area of each wall. Don’t forget doors and windows – subtract their areas from the total wall area. Add the areas of all walls you plan to paint to get the total surface area. Include trim and multiply by its linear length to get the total trim area. Remember to factor in the number of coats for a complete picture. Dont forget to count doors and timber windows.

How to Measure for Exterior Painting

Measuring your exterior for a paint job in metric follows the same principles as measuring interiors. Here’s a quick guide:

  • Measure walls: Multiply the wall’s height by width (in meters) to get its area in square meters. Repeat for each wall.
  • Subtract windows and doors: Measure window and door dimensions and subtract their areas from the total wall area.
  • Include trim: Measure the total linear meter length of trim (e.g., window/door trim, fascia boards) to determine paint needed.
  • Factor in coats: Multiply the total area (walls + trim) by the number of paint coats for the complete picture.